Monday, May 24, 2010

More like Real Freakin’ Delicious!

I may be a bit late to jump on the Real Food Daily (RFD) band-wagon, but with dishes as tasty as theirs, I say better late than never.
As the name implies, this place is nothing but “Real.” The restaurant was real contemporary and casual, real eco-friendly and chock full of patrons real hungry and ready to eat. The food, of course, was real good, organic and 100-percent vegan.
My dining partner, Laurie, and I scoured the menu for what to order. We were both famished, and were a bit overwhelmed by the number of food items we saw – everything looked delicious.
Laurie decided to go for the "Fettuccini Alfredo," but had a last minute change in appetite and went for "My Hands Are Thai" instead. This wound up to be a fantastic choice – with a little mooching from me, there wasn’t a bite left over. I, on the other hand, felt that it was only appropriate that I go with the "Real Food Meal" – you know the saying: when in Rome – er, I mean Santa Monica.
I was absolutely delighted by the meal. Brown rice, beans, chard, kale, land and sea vegetables, all topped with a dressing or sauce of your choice (I recommend going with the citrus dressing – it complimented the natural flavor of the foods perfectly). It was beyond filling (I even had enough left over for lunch the next day) and I felt invigorated by all of the healthy goodness I had just devoured.
The next time you find yourself on the West Side I highly recommend stopping by this vegan joint. The majority of the food is “grown exclusively with organic farming methods,” purchased locally, and any kitchen scraps, etc. are composted when possible. If your experience is anything like ours was, I can say without a doubt, that you will be real(ly) satisfied with what you get.
To read more about this delicious joint, please visit their website at
Location: 514 Santa Monica Blvd., Santa Monica, CA 90401 (map).
Images by: Laurie Roderick & RFD

Monday, May 3, 2010

Chuck that chicken. Forget the fish. And say buh-bye to beef. Go Meatless in May!

Following their recent re-launch of the re-designed website, Your Daily Thread is kicking off the month of May with their Meatless in May campaign.

Meant to bring awareness to the impact our consumption of meat has on our carbon footprints and the environment at large, Meatless in May challenges subscribers to do just what the title implies – to go an entire month without eating meat.

To help fellow burger lovin’, filet grubbin’ meat eaters transition into the realm of meatless dining, Your Daily Thread will be providing motivational tips to those who have made this pledge. In addition, subscribers will be privy to alternative meal options, such as vegan and vegetarian recipes, and will be pointed to restaurants throughout the city that provide meatless menu items.

Make the pledge to go meat free in May by becoming a fan of YDT’s Meatless in May Facebook Page.